Intensive Support Function
Intensive Support Function Team (ISF) established by the NHS, is a service for individuals over the age of 18 with Learning Disabilities (LD) across Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster and Hammersmith & Fulham. The team comprised of three nurses, a team leader and administration staff was developed to enable individuals with learning disabilities who are in crisis and/or are at risk of placement breakdown to reside in the least restrictive setting to meet their needs. ISF aims to strengthen the care provided by community learning disability teams across the Triborough by providing assessments, interventions, and support to enable individuals to live in the community. ISF’s core goals are to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions and reduce the length of inpatient admissions and to provide clinical expertise and advice rather than replace existing services and supports.
ISF advocates for a PBS approach across the providers they support and the professionals they work alongside. In July 2021, a partnership was established between the ISF team and PBSC. This meant expanding the ISF team to include behaviour analysts and trainee behaviour analysts from PBSC. We assist with crisis interventions, promoting community placements, training providers, and supporting the reduction of use of restrictive practices.
PBSC staff use the BICS 5 stage model to provide support to individuals referred to ISF. We consistently collaborate with the ISF team throughout this process and have daily meetings called ‘huddles’ to ensure our coordinated approach. This includes close collaboration with psychology services across the Triborough and other multidisciplinary team members. We may collaborate on the development of behaviour support plans and deliver joint training to an individual’s network; this can include the providers service and/or the family. This close collaboration across all professionals involved in the ISF network facilitates greater consistency across professionals ensuring an integrated and holistic care approach that meets all the needs of an individual. As a joint team, we ensure that we promote person-centred and individualised approaches, as well as seeking the individuals voice at every step.